About the Company

With Gear Up Adventures Inc, we focus on providing genuine, authentic and local experiences for jet setters. We have spent years exploring offbeat areas and making connections with locals in different fields to be able to truly customize your trip as a one of a kind from Chile to Canada. 

We have been responsible for the successful and safe delivery of over 300 activities a year since 2005.  Activities range from day hikes that last a couple of hours, to multi-vehicle (bike, hike, canoe, etc.) expeditions that last weeks. Safety is always the primary concern. We review emergency evacuation plans, coordinating instructions, consider risk management, oversee personnel, and manage financial and material resources. It is imperative that all logistical coordination of our tailored experiences are stress-free and fun for our guests. 

Let us be your guide, translator, barterer, running partner, concierge, and friend. 

People are at the centre of what we do. Whether it's people going on trips or people we are connecting you with, and or the people that make those memorable experiences. We really strive to establish a comfortable and genuine feel to all your interactions with us.  


About Gear Up’s Founder 

 From planning expedition training for the Canadian Armed Forces to consulting with world-class lodges, company founder Francisco Escobar has put the traveller’s experience at the heart of Gear Up Adventures. Francisco and his team can make it a reality if you can dream it.  From private chef experiences on remote islands off the coast of British Columbia to private jet excursions or mountain top escapes in Chile, Francisco has more than 15 years of experience working as a guide, translator and friend to hundreds of happy customers. Francisco can curate a unique and personal experience completely tailored to every request. Contact Gear Up today to start creating your trip of a lifetime.